
Article 4 min read

Introducing The Zendesk Sales Suite

按: Vice president of product Jon Aniano

最後更新: March 4, 2020

The buying process has changed. Access to digital communication channels and endless information online has empowered consumers to take control of their buying journey. On the flip side, legacy sales software hasn’t kept up with the modern buying process—sales processes have only become more complicated. In an effort to fill the gap, companies have layered on more and more point solutions, forcing sales reps to navigate multiple tools. Now, salespeople spend their days juggling an average of 14 different sales tools, and the majority of their time is spent making updates instead of what they were originally hired to do—sell.

With the launch of Zendesk Sell in 2018, we started doing for sales what Zendesk had already done for customer service: provide salespeople with tools that are built around them and the customers they serve. In all of our products, we seek to facilitate communication, reduce friction, and improve the relationship between companies and their customers. Today, we are excited to announce that we are taking it one step further with the launch of The Zendesk Sales Suite.

The Zendesk Sales Suite removes the difficulties of sales software so that teams can spend more time on what really matters to their business— their customers. Bringing together Zendesk Sell, Voice, Reach, and Zendesk Chat, The Sales Suite is a one-stop solution for sales teams to grow pipeline, have more rewarding customer conversations, and close more deals faster.

Making your sales process “suiter”

The Sales Suite brings together four of Zendesk’s powerful tools—Zendesk Sell, Voice, Reach, and Zendesk Chat—into one attractively priced bundle.

Zendesk Sell

Zendesk Sell is a sales CRM platform designed to enhance productivity, processes, and pipeline visibility for sales teams. Sell removes the friction from deal management, so your team can always access, analyze, and collaborate on relevant deal data.


A native dialer allows reps to send and receive calls directly from within Zendesk Sell. You can easily generate auto-dial call lists and power through them with just a click. Plus, automatic call logging and recording saves you time and helps you focus on the call at hand.


This integrated enrichment and prospecting tool improves the quality of customer data and enhances lead generation. Reach enables reps to discover quality prospects, update contacts, and build their sales pipeline in an instant. With Reach, the daunting task of finding new opportunities is simplified, so you can spend more time closing.

Zendesk Chat

Zendesk’s integrated live chat tool allows you to create new leads from conversations with website visitors. Your entire chat conversation and relevant data fields are automatically saved to the new lead’s contact card, eliminating the need for manual data entry. Chat allows you to engage with more buyers, convert more leads, and shorten sales cycles.

Powering a more productive sales team

The Zendesk Sales Suite is a powerful bundle of sales solutions that enables your reps to work smarter, more efficiently, and more productively. With it, your sales team will be able to:

Focus on the conversation

The Sales Suite brings your customer conversations to the center of your sales process. Whether it’s by phone, email, chat, or SMS, Zendesk natively supports all the different ways customers want to have conversations with your team.

Your reps will be able to see every customer conversation as one continuous flow, regardless of the channel. Instead of digging through endless custom data fields, your reps will be able to focus on having rewarding conversations with their customers.

Keep the pipeline full

Break free from the traditional way of filling your pipeline. The Sales Suite opens up more opportunities than ever to uncover new leads.

Fill your pipeline by converting chats into leads with our native Zendesk Chat integration. Use Reach to generate targeted prospect lists and create leads from opportunities that come through as Support tickets.
With The Sales Suite lead enrichment and app integration tools, your reps will easily be able to find the information they need to quickly turn leads into sales conversations.

Close more deals, faster

Spend your time closing—not on data entry. The Sales Suite automates all the administrative work required to keep your sales CRM up to date, such as logging activities, finding up-to-date contact details, and following up with leads. Everything you need to close a deal is consolidated into one easy-to-use tool that eliminates tab switching and brings all the context needed to close a deal into one view. With all the time you save with The Sales Suite automating repetitive tasks, you can spend more time doing what you do best – selling.

The buying process may have changed, but your reps’ abilities to have rewarding conversations with customers shouldn’t have to. Get started with The Sales Suite today to help your reps close more deals faster.

Get started with The Sales Suite today to help your reps close more deals, faster.


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