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2023 年客戶體驗趨勢 Immersive CX marks the dawn of a new era in service

Despite economic turbulence and rising customer expectations, companies remain optimistic about the future. That hope is grounded in plans to invest in immersive CX, which is being driven by five distinct trends.

按: Zendesk 科技長 Adrian McDermott

最後更新: 2023年09月22日

If there has been one constant over the past three years, it’s change—how we work, live, and consume have all been radically transformed, and as a result, businesses have witnessed dramatic shifts in consumer expectations.

This period of widespread change has led many businesses to invest more in the customer experience, and as 2023 begins, the scope of consumer demands has come into sharper focus. Zendesk’s research has revealed that customers increasingly expect immersive experiences, and for those businesses that have responded to those demands, their strategic investments have started to pay off.

77% of business leaders have seen positive ROI on investments in immersive experiences.

As a result, business leaders have begun to embrace the idea that meeting consumer demands for immersive experiences will result in tangible revenue gains. Zendesk discovered that 81 percent of leaders see customer experience and support as growing priorities in the coming year, and while many continue to keep a close eye on uncertain economic conditions, a sense of cautious optimism prevails.

So what is immersive CX, and how can you create the kind of customer experiences that will help your business remain competitive in a rapidly changing market? 讓我們一同來看看。

What is immersive CX?

Simply put, immersive CX means natural, fluid interactions with companies. That can range from chatbots that closely mimic real human beings to the kind of conversational experiences in which a customer can begin an interaction on one channel—say, messaging—and then switch to another mode of communication without a hitch.

Immersive CX offers something powerful to customers: the ability to be truly seen and heard, to be treated not as transactions or tickets but as the valued customers they are. As we move into this rich new territory, the benefits will be considerable: businesses that make strategic investments in immersive CX can expect to see greatly strengthened customer relationships. And considering that customers have little patience for bad experiences—73 percent will leave for a competitor after multiple poor interactions, and more than half will bolt after a single bad experience—it’s imperative that companies recognize and respond to what consumers are telling them.

The trends driving the move toward immersive CX

Zendesk’s research—which included a global survey of nearly 3,700 consumers, another global survey of nearly 4,800 business respondents, and Zendesk Benchmark product usage data from more than 99,000 opted-in companies—revealed five distinct trends driving the move toward immersive CX. The 2023 Zendesk Customer Experience Trends Report explores these trends in detail.

  • Trend 1:

    AI experiences are becoming more evolved and seamless
  • Trend 2:

    Conversational experiences are empowering consumers
  • Trend 3:

    Customers are eager for deeper personalization
  • Trend 4:

    Consumer well-being and sentiment are reshaping CX
  • Trend 5:

    CX teams are breaking down silos as they become more integrated

Will your business be prepared for immersive CX?

In our 2023 Zendesk Customer Experience Trends Report, we provide actionable insights that will help your company chart a path forward during this transformative era in customer support. To learn more, download the report and be sure to take advantage of Zendesk events that will shed even more light on the rise of immersive CX.



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            客戶服務無比重要。 《2022 Zendesk 客戶體驗 (CX) 趨勢報告》指出,73%的公司回報表示,客戶服務和業務績效之間有直接的關聯,而且有 60% 的客戶只要有一次不好的體驗,就會轉身離開,和前一年相比多了 22%。 提供優質客戶體驗能讓企業從敏捷的競爭對手中脫穎而出,並將這樣的優勢轉化為創造營收成長的動力。…

什麼是客戶維繫? 11 種客戶維繫策略範例

企業運用行銷、社群媒體和品牌策略等方式吸引客戶。 贏得客戶的信任需投入大量時間和精力 (甚至金錢)。 一切努力只為了能留住客戶。 客戶維繫便成了關注的重點。 為了提升客戶維繫能力,需檢視整體客戶體驗。 客戶體驗包含客戶在接觸品牌時產生的所有想法和感受。 與客戶的互動,例如:支援工單解決方案或傳達品牌價值,是影響買家與品牌關係的因素。 藉由打造無比順暢的體驗,讓客戶無時無刻感到滿意,便能留住更多客戶。 如果企業未達到客戶的期望,將冒著在還沒能做出調整前便已失去這些客戶的風險。 什麼是客戶維繫? 客戶維繫定義 客戶維繫代表公司將客戶變成熟客並防止他們轉向競爭對手的能力。 說明公司的產品和服務品質是否讓現有的客戶感到滿意。 這也是大多數訂閱制公司和服務提供商賴以維生的指標。 客戶維繫策略指的是企業為建立客戶忠誠度和提高客戶終身價值而實施的流程和倡議。…


有時候,客戶支援似乎有其專用的行業術語。 在某些情況下,任何人都熟悉的遣辭用句,例如:客服人員或自助服務,在不同的上下文中,意思會截然不同。 在其他情況下,團隊所討論的客戶服務術語,例如:客戶滿意度 (CSAT)、NPS、KCS 等甚至不是單詞,而是由首字母組成。 無論這些術語以何種形式呈現,整個團隊可能明白或不明白其代表的意思,這取決於團隊成員的角色和經驗值。